Our Green Heat solution is to use Linear Parabolic Trough Solar Concentrators installed on the factory roof or on the idle grounds beside the consumption places to generate hot water and/or high pressure steam for process heat generation. It can generate hot water and steam from 60°C up to 300°C,
Our Green Heat solution is dedicated to help those clients with huge demands on hot water and steam in Steam generation, Boiling, Heating air Distilling- dying, Sterilization, Dehydration of products, Heat input for various processes

- Up to 80% reduction in fuel consumption.
- Reduction and stability in energy costs.
- 20 years clean thermal energy to use better market strength with the lower LCOE,
- more market access: to clients in developed countries optimized image and reputation in front of the end clients, more options to face the environmental protection organizations, governors…
- 3~5 yeas ROI period
Unique Advantages
- Patent protection: with Intellectual property, better than what is currently available on the market for heating water, generating steam, or generating process heat, because it is more efficient than other types of solar collectors
- Successful practices: 100 projects, 5000 collectors, 9000m2 installation, with certified business practices
Main Products
