Our Hybrid Green solution is a convergent system composed of a PV sub system for electricity and a concentrated collectors system for hot water and/or steam. The two sub systems will work interactively to maximize the usage of solar for energy consumption and has synergies between the two systems to save more for our clients who has both huge consumption on electricity and thermal energy, such as clients in industry of food processing, textile, automobile manufacture, pharmaceutical, chemical processing… and commercial clients in hospital, hotel, and chain store laundries, sports... better market strength with the lower LCOE,

- Up to 80% reduction in total from Electricity and fuel consumption, win market strength from competitors
- Reduction and stability in energy costs, free from energy unit price fluctuation.
- 25 years clean energy to use
- Reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
- 3~5 yeas ROI period
- Premium image of Green vision, attract more clients and consumers
Unique Advantages
- Patent protection: with Intellectual property, better than what is currently available on the market for heating water, generating steam, or generating process heat, because it is more efficient than other types of solar collectors
- Successful Practices: 100 projects, 5000 collectors, 9000m2 installation, with certified business practices
- Unique Solution Provider: Electricity and Thermal simultaneously.
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